There is a time for everything and the Lord controls the flow of every occurrence. His timing is perfection, never too late and never too soon. Every previous revival or move of His Spirit throughout the ages happened exactly and precisely when He personally intended by His sovereign will. No one ever controlled that, but historically we have tried to. We can appeal, but in the end He will do what’s perfect. Many have mobilized intercession to bring an outpouring, but that mobilization was inspired by Him or initiated by Him. He initiated the creation of the universe and beyond. It begins and ends with the Alpha and the Omega.

He showed me that for some of us, our longing and appealing for an outpouring of His Spirit for great awakenings for evangelism and healing miracles stems from our current personal fears, angst, sufferings, sorrows and even boredom. It’s a longing to escape today for a better tomorrow. Because we cannot force His hand for a global outpouring it’s easy to be frustrated or discouraged.

He says to have faith in Him for today with all our cares. There is a grace in faith for waiting and watching. Choose to trust in Him for everything you are going through now and for all your dreams. In this find peace of mind. He has everything under control. He is our escape every moment from any difficult circumstance we are in.

It says in Proverbs 16:9, “The mind of a person plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.” There’s nothing wrong with asking for anything and He encourages it, but ultimately He knows exactly and perfectly what we need. Most often we just need wisdom and perspective and that always brings peace.

Cryptically, regarding the anticipated great outpouring, He said, “Brace yourselves.” He reminded me of the thief that comes in the night or lightening flashing. We don’t know when that might happen. It’s totally unpredictable, but we will certainly be surprised like when we hear a sudden clap of thunder.

Prov 3:4-6 – Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.