We often long to see incredible miracles and awesome moves of the Lord’s Spirit, but these have come and gone throughout history. Most of us have seen the Lord sweep the planet with revivals which eventually ebbed. We want to see that again. He showed me that character growth and love are longer lasting forever and more spectacular.

I found this explanation of character online:

“Mature character is often associated with qualities such as honesty, integrity, compassion, empathy, self-discipline, and self-control. It is demonstrated by consistent behavior that aligns with these values and beliefs, even in the face of adversity or temptation.

A person with mature character is able to make responsible decisions and take ownership of their actions, even when faced with difficult situations. They are able to empathize with others, maintain healthy relationships, and be accountable for their mistakes. Overall, developing mature character is an important part of becoming a well-rounded, responsible adult.”

Over the last few years the Lord has been working on our hearts going deeper and deeper into intimacy with us. He has been changing us from the inside out and ultimately refining our character.

He showed me that the angels in heaven erupt into song and rejoicing as we grow and develop in character because in heaven this is seen as amazing and beautiful before all heavenly hosts. We are as it were clothed with beauty and jewels.

In a vision I saw a hole open up in the sky and we were being lifted up to heaven. Rather than heaven coming down to us, we were going up into it. In 2007 at Bethel in Redding, I witnessed an incredible phenomena where golden dust appeared out of nowhere twinkling, sparkling and glinting above us. Suddenly there was a great burst of it that came over us and then strangely it was falling up all around us. This falling up is what the vision felt like. He’s pulling us up to meet the sky.

The unity of the Spirit and having one mind is a grand spectacle before the angels.

He showed me that the more we let Him in, the more we come before the all seeing eyes of the Lord that governs all we do. Once we do honest with Him we can’t go back to hiding and remain forever exposed and aware of the all seeing eyes of the Lord.